The fleet app for optimised fleet management
The smart helper for on the go.
The fleet app by Porsche Bank provides a straightforward way for fleet managers and company car drivers to network with one another, exchange data and perform routine tasks more quickly.
The new app is available free of charge in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

For you to be able to use the app without limitations, we require a signed user agreement from you. For this, please contact your customer advisor.
Practical assistance
The app immediately shows the driver of the company car where the nearest service partner is located. The search function informs you of opening hours and contact details and guides you directly to your destination. Information on vehicle returns and the service and repair process is also available in the app.
Accident reporting
Information on accident damages, photos and details of the other party involved in the accident can be directly uploaded via the app. In just a few clicks, all relevant details are recorded.
Data at a glance
You see a detailed overview of which services have already been concluded for your vehicle. Your contract data can be accessed digitally. What’s more, the user can access the company-related driver data sheet digitally, where he receives information on due diligence, invoices and notes regarding claims settlements. The most important contact persons are also on file here.
An app that understands your needs.
After an accident, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The app helps you to stay calm. A checklist provides answers to the most important questions and instructs participants of the next steps in a structured manner.
The PB Fleet app informs users via push notifications of maintenance appointments, tyre changes, Vignette renewals or the expiry of the contract.

Next step: posting interface
Are you looking to automate the invoice processing in your company?
More information on the posting interface