Complaints management
We at Porsche Bank and Porsche Insurance want to offer our customers the best products with regard to all things mobility-related while also providing great service quality. The satisfaction of our customers takes top priority for us.
If we have not met your expectations and you have reason to make a complaint, please get in touch with us – we value your feedback and see it as an opportunity to find satisfactory solutions together.
All complaints received are answered as quickly as possible, but at the latest within 5-10 work days (as soon as all necessary documents have been provided). Once we have examined your complaint fairly and objectively, you will receive an answer at the earliest possible opportunity. We make sure to communicate using clear, comprehensible language. Should the processing of your concern take longer, we will inform you of this and will keep you informed of the current processing status. The complaints procedure is free of charge.
teilen sie uns ihre meinung mit
Further information
If, contrary to expectation, we are unable to find a mutual solution, the following external agencies and authorities are available to help consumers uphold the complaint:
- Joint Conciliation Board of the Austrian Banking Industry (GSK)
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Wien
Tel.: +43 5 90 900 118337,
Fax: +43 5 90 900 118337
Email: [email protected]Formal requirement: A complaint may be filed in the event of problems resulting from a bank transaction with an Austrian bank (exempted from this are foreign currency loans). The prerequisite is a prior attempt to find a solution with the bank.
The procedure is free of charge. The decision of the conciliation board is binding for the bank, but not, however, for the consumer.
The complaint must be filed in writing via email, fax, contact form or post. Further contact information and information on the procedure is available at www.bankenschlichtung.at Schlichtung für Verbrauchergeschäfte (Conciliation for Consumer Transactions)
Mariahilfer Straße 103/1/18, 1060 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)1 890 63 11
Fax.: +43 (0)1 890 63 11 99
Email: [email protected]
Formal requirement: A complaint may be filed if you are a consumer residing in Austria or an EEA Member State. A complaint may also be filed with regard to foreign currency loans.
The procedure is free of charge. The decision of the conciliation board is not binding for either party.
The complaint must be filed in writing via contact form.
Further contact information and information on the procedure is available at www.verbraucherschlichtung.at- Austrian Insurance Association (VVO)
Information point
Schwarzenbergplatz 7, 1030 Wien
Tel.: +43/1/711 56-250
Formal requirement: A complaint may only be filed in connection with insurance contracts.
The complaint must be filed in writing via contact form.
Further contact information and information on the procedure is available directly at:
www.vvo.at/vvo/vvo.nsf/syspages/Informations_Beschwerdestelle.html - Austrian Association of Leasing Companies - Ombudsperson VÖL
Invalidenstrasse 1 / 11A, 1030 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 714 29 40
Fax: +43 1 714 29 40-14
Email: [email protected]
Formal requirement: A complaint may only be filed in connection with leasing contracts.
The complaint must be filed in writing via email or fax, contact form or by telephone.
Further contact information and information on the procedure is available directly at: www.leasingverband.at - Internet Ombudsstelle (for contracts for pecuniary interest concluded via the internet and other issues related to e-commerce or internet law i.e. data protection, copyright or trademark law with relation to the internet)
Contact information and information on the procedure is available directly at: www.ombudsmann.at - Austrian Financial Market Authority – FMA
Contact information and information on the procedure is available directly at: www.fma.gv.at - Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Contact information and information on the procedure is available directly at: www.sozialministerium.at - European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution Platform (regarding complaints arising from online purchase agreements or online service agreements)
Contact information and information on the procedure is available directly at: www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr