Principles of conduct
Porsche Bank, as part of Porsche Holding, has earned itself an outstanding reputation in over 15 countries. Social responsibility and high ethical standards have made Porsche Bank what it is today: the market leader in motor vehicle financial services in Austria.
As a globally active company, what this responsibility means for Porsche Bank is that in addition to observing existing laws, the employees also uphold additional moral principles that go far beyond these basic guidelines. These principles are summarised in the company’s internal principles of conduct. It goes without saying that these apply at all levels and in all countries in which Porsche Bank operates.
For us at Porsche Bank, it is also a matter of course for us to observe all laws and internal regulations and act properly with a sense of responsibility for the company, for our business partners and as a member of society. This also involves steadfastly standing by the right policies and principles.
What is compliance?
Compliance is understood to mean the observance of all statutory regulations and provisions as well as of internal rules. Compliance establishes the legal framework and aims to prevent violations before they even occur.
What is integrity?
Integrity means doing the right thing out of one’s own, personal conviction - with a sense of responsibility for the company, for our business partners and as a member of society.
Thus conduct that shows integrity and is in line with compliance is not just a standard that we set for our company - rather, we view integrity and compliance as firmly established components of our corporate culture.
Our whistleblower system
At Porsche Holding Salzburg, the observance of statutory provisions, internal rules, our principles of conduct and the Code of Conduct for business partners has utmost priority. The success of our company is based on integrity and compliance. In order to live up to this claim, it is important to find out about and prevent potential misconduct by our own employees or those of our suppliers. This is why we have commissioned the “Zentrale Aufklärungs-Office” (Central Clarification Office) to operate an independent, impartial and confidential whistleblower system for us.
An important pillar of our whistleblower system is the principle of a fair process. This guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, affected parties and employees collaborating in the clarification of the reported misconduct.
Part of this is offering the option of anonymous reporting and communication. We guarantee not to take any measures to identify anonymous whistleblowers who do not misuse our whistleblower system. Discrimination against whistleblowers and any persons collaborating in investigations at Porsche Holding Salzburg will not be tolerated. For affected parties, the presumption of innocence applies until the violation is proven. The investigations are carried out with the utmost confidentiality. The information is processed in a fair, fast and protected process.
How do we process your report?
Qualified and experienced staff at the Central Clarification Office thoroughly examine all reports of potential serious violations of rules by employees of the Volkswagen Group and follow these up systematically. To begin with, you will receive a confirmation of receipt. Then the Clarification Office will assess your report. This involves the collection of information, particularly from the whistleblower. Only if this results in initial suspicion of a potential serious violation of rules is an appropriate investigation unit tasked with the investigation of the case. Once this has finished, the Clarification Office evaluates the results and, in the event that misconduct has been determined, makes a suitable recommendation for sanctioning. Information regarding the processing status* of your tip as well as the result of any investigation is communicated to you immediately.
Potential violations of the Code of Conduct for business partners, including serious risks and violations of human rights and the environment by direct and indirect suppliers, can also be reported to the Central Clarification Office. This applies equally to other reports that require the company to take immediate measures. The Clarification Office informs the competent authorities, who process the matter accordingly. This includes, in particular, measures necessary to minimise or end violations and/or risks.
*The processing time may vary and depends, among other things, on the subject matter of the tip.
You can find further information on the procedural principles of the Volkswagen Group complaints procedure here.
Submit a report to our whistleblower system
The whistleblower system offers various channels for reporting potential misconduct by employees or violations of the Code of Conduct for Business Partners in our supply chain that require a swift review and - if necessary - reaction from our company.
However, this does not affect the legally established right of involving the competent authorities, as described below.
24/7 Hotline
You may submit reports around the clock via the following international toll-free phone number:
+800 444 46300*.
If your local telephone provider does not support the free service, you can also use the following phone number, which is subject to a charge, to give tips:
+49 5361 946300.
*In some countries, not all telephone providers support the free international hotline.
Online reporting channel
You have the option to get in contact with the Clarification Office in various languages via an internet-based communication platform. The system is confidential and protected.
If your preferred language is not listed, you may also make a report in any other language. In addition, you can also contact the Clarification Office in all languages by email or post.
Porsche Holding Salzburg has appointed external attorneys (ombudspersons) who provide advice on the whistleblower system or ensure that reports by whistleblowers are forwarded to the Clarification Office - including anonymously if desired.
If you would like to get in contact with the ombudspersons, you’ll find all the necessary information at the following link: https://ombudsleute-der-volksw...
You can reach the Clarification Office of Porsche Holding Salzburg by email at the following address:
Postal address:
Central Clarification Office
P.O. Box 1717
38436 Wolfsburg
In person:
Please arrange appointments in advance via [email protected]
Do you have any further questions or require a local point of contact?
You can submit any questions or suggestions for improvement regarding the whistleblower system to the responsible Clarification Office.
Furthermore, you are also welcome to turn to the Compliance Department by email at [email protected] for all matters concerning the whistleblower system.
Haben Sie weitere Fragen oder benötigen einen lokalen Ansprechpartner?
Fragen oder Verbesserungsvorschläge hinsichtlich des Hinweisgebersystems können Sie ebenfalls an das zuständige Aufklärungs-Office richten.
Darüber hinaus können Sie sich bei allen Angelegenheiten rund um das Hinweisgebersystem gern an die Compliance-Abteilung per E-Mail unter [email protected] wenden.